
A novel co-design approach for soft errors mitigation in embedded systems


Comunicación presentada en the 11th European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems RADECS 2010, Längenfeld, Austria, September 20-24, 2010.A novel proposal to design radiation-tolerant embedded systems combining hardware and software mitigation techniques is presented. Two suites of tools are developed to automatically apply the techniques and to facilitate the trade-offs analyses.This work makes part of RENASER project (ESP2007-65914-C03-03) funded by the 2007 Spain Research National Plan of the Ministry of Science and Education in which context this work has been possible. The work presented here has been carried out thanks to the support of the research project ’Aceleración de algoritmos industriales y de seguridad en entornos críticos mediante hardware’ (GV/2009/098) (Generalitat Valenciana, Spain)

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