Fight Against Stigma


Predmet ovog završnog rada je borba protiv stigme. Svrha rada je pojasniti pojmove stigma, predrasude i diskriminacija te koja je njihova međusobna povezanost. Cilj rada je pobliže prikazati kako se razvojem društva mijenjalo mišljenje o stigmi i stigmatizaciji te po čemu je posebna stigma psihičkih poremećaja. Prikazane su metode u borbi protiv stigme, koja je uloga edukacije za očuvanje mentalnog zdravlja te kako se Europska unija bori protiv stigme. Poseban naglasak je stavljen na pomorstvo gdje će se prikazati istraživanje International Transport Workers' Federation Seafarers' Trust o mentalnom zdravlju pomoraca. Borba protiv stigme mentalnih poremećaja u pomorstvu može uspostaviti prikladno liječenje pozadinskih zdravstvenih stanja pomoraca te stvoriti radno okruženje u kojem se pomorci osjećaju ugodnije.The subject of this final work is the fight against stigma. The purpose of the paper is to clarify the concepts of stigma, prejudice and discrimination and their interrelationship. The aim of the work is to show more closely how the opinion about stigma and stigmatization changed with the development of society and what makes the stigma of mental disorders special. The paper presents the methods in the fight against stigma, the role of education in preserving mental health and how the European Union fights against stigma. Special emphasis is placed on seafaring where research by the International Transport Workers' Federation Seafarers' Trust on the mental health of seafarers will be presented. Combating the stigma of mental disorders in seafaring can establish appropriate treatment for seafarers' underlying health conditions and create a work environment in which seafarers feel more comfortable

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