
Ischemia with non-obstructive coronary arteries (INOCA) is defined by the coexistence of anginal symptoms and demonstrable ischemia, with no evidence of obstructive coronary arteries. The underlying mechanism of INOCA is coronary microvascular dysfunction with or without associated vasospasm. INOCA patients have recurrent symptoms, functional limitations, repeated access to the emergency department, impaired quality of life and a higher incidence of cardiovascular events than the general population. Although well described in chronic coronary syndrome guidelines, INOCA remains underdiagnosed in clinical practice because of insufficient awareness, lack of accurate diagnostic tools, and poorly standardized and consistent definitions to diagnose, both invasively and non-invasively, coronary microvascular dysfunction.To disseminate current scientific evidence on INOCA as a distinct clinical entity, during 2022 we conducted at 30 cardiology units all over the country a clinical practice improvement initiative, with the aim of developing uniform and shared management pathways for INOCA patients across different operational settings. The present document highlights the outcomes of this multidisciplinary initiative

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