Gurulingappa H, Müller B, Klinger R, et al. Patent Retrieval in Chemistry based on semantically tagged Named Entities. In: Voorhees EM, Buckland LP, eds. The Eighteenth Text RETrieval Conference (TREC 2009) Proceedings. Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA; 2009.This paper reports on the work that has been conducted
by Fraunhofer SCAI for Trec Chemistry
(Trec-Chem) track 2009. The team of Fraunhofer
SCAI participated in two tasks, namely Technology
Survey and Prior Art Search. The core of the framework
is an index of 1.2 million chemical patents provided
as a data set by Trec. For the technology
survey, three runs were submitted based on semantic
dictionaries and noun phrases. For the prior art
search task, several elds were introduced into the index
that contained normalized noun phrases, biomedical
as well as chemical entities. Altogether, 36 runs
were submitted for this task that were based on automatic
querying with tokens, noun phrases and entities
along with dierent search strategies