Bacterial contamination of some vegetables sold in major markets in Adoekiti, Nigeria


Consumption of vegetables contaminated with pathogens is a common source of infections. This study investigated bacterial contamination of vegetables sold in major markets in Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria. Sixty samples comprising of 20 samples each of Brassica oleracea, Cochorus olitorius, and Amaranthus hybridus were examined. Bacteriological procedures were followed in the isolation and identification of bacteria from culture media. Antimicrobial susceptibility of the isolates was done using the disk diffusion method. Sixty six bacteria were isolated from 60 vegetable samples. Of these isolates, Salmonella spp recorded 43.3%, followed by Citrobacter freundii 18.3%, Klebsiella spp 15.0%, Enterobacter spp 11.7%, Proteus spp and Alcaligenes spp 5.0% each, Escherichia coli and Providencia spp 3.3% each and Vibrio spp 1.7%. The prevalence of the isolates on 20 samples of Brassica oleracea decreased in the order of Salmonella species 55.0%, Citrobacter species 20.0%, Alkaligenes species 10%, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, ..

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