Perception of Time Perspective in Substance-Dependent Individuals


Background. The perception of time perspective in substance-dependent individuals is considered as a dynamic characteristic of the personality, which can be both a predictor of the effectiveness of self-determination in life and a risk factor for further abuse of alcohol and drugs. Assisted forming of a balanced time perspective and a positive attitude toward all time dimensions has the potential to improve rehabilitation programs and the effectiveness of psychological interventions for substance-dependent individuals. Objective. The article aims to summarize the most significant published current national and international research on the topic of time perspective perception in substance-dependent individuals. An analysis of current directions and prospects for further study of the problem are suggested. Methods. The selection and analysis of studies of the last 10 years on the topic of time perspective in substance-dependent individuals were carried out. Results. A scientific review of studies was carried out in the following areas: 1) time perspective in substance-dependent individuals; 2) possibilities of psychological intervention for time perspective modification. Conclusion. The analysis of scientific publications has shown that a time perspective in substance dependence is a relevant area of international research. Based on the findings, methods and approaches of psychotherapeutic assistance to substance users in the process of their rehabilitation are being developed and improved. Russian research on the time perspective of substance users is represented by a small number of studies, which mainly consider imbalanced temporal orientations as a risk factor for relapse into addictive behaviour. A multi-faceted study of temporal perspective and its balance at different stages of rehabilitation has the potential to improve the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic work

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