Sandstone Consolidation III Year End Report


Two areas of cap rock occurrence have been mapped, one in the upper Texas Coast and the other in South Texas. These may be related to ancient delta systems. Two high-resistivity zones have been identified in Brazoria County. The nature of the high-resistivity intervals remains enigmatic. Most of the carbonate they contain is microscopically and isotopically skeletal in origin. Few authigenic components have been identified. Isotopic data suggest minimal recycling of pore waters between shale and sandstone. Hydrolysis reactions and reactions between key pairs of minerals have been written. The goal is to plot formation waters on stability diagrams for these reaction pairs and to correlate log activity ratios with the presence or absence of cap rock and deep secondary porosity. Mineral compositions are based on microprobe data from earlier Sandstone Consolidation projects and new data collected in this project. Methods have been developed to estimate thermodynamic functions for most of these minerals at elevated temperatures. Methods differ depending on the mineral class and availability of published thermodynamic data.Bureau of Economic Geolog

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