Texas Shoreline Change Project Gulf of Mexico Shoreline Change from the Brazos River to Pass Cavallo


In June, Governor Bush signed into law the Coastal Erosion Planning and Response Act (CEPRA). This act provides $15 million over the next 2 years for coastal erosion projects. It authorizes the Texas General Land Office (GLO) to implement a comprehensive coastal erosion response program that can include designing, funding, building, and maintaining erosion projects. The GLO is named in the act as the entity that will monitor shoreline change rates with the assistance of the Bureau of Economic Geology and local governments. Through the Texas Shoreline Change Project (TSCP), the Bureau is working with the GLO to identify and quantify eroding areas. The TSCP is addressing requirements of the CEPRA regarding (1) identification of "critical coastal erosion areas," (2) monitoring of historical shoreline erosion rates, (3) making data accessible on the Internet, and (4) increasing public awareness of coastal erosion issues. The TSCP will be completed in stages according to Gulf of Mexico shoreline segment and bay systems. This report presents an analysis of shoreline change along the Gulf of Mexico Shoreline between the Brazos River and Pass Cavallo (Fig. 1). Other resources provided by the TSCP, including all data used in this report, may be found on the Internet at http://www.beg.utexas.edu/Bureau of Economic Geolog

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