Structure, function and regulation of aquaporin gene expression during drought in plants


Povećanje prosečnih godišnjih temperatura iz godine u godinu za posledicu ostavlja sve izraženije sušne sezone. Suša nepovoljno utiče na rastenje i razviće biljaka, uzrokujući velike ekonomske gubitke na globalnom nivou. Efekti suše ispoljavaju se kako na morfološkom, tako i na fiziološkom, biohemijskom i molekularnom nivou organizacije biljaka. Izlaganje biljaka suši narušava normalan transport vode kroz ćelije što se odražava i na zastupljenost i funkciju kanala za vodu – akvaporina, na membranama. Akvaporini su transmembranski proteini koji formiraju kanale za prolazak vode i drugih molekula kroz ćelijske membrane. Ispoljavaju veoma značajnu ulogu u prilagođavanju protoka vode kroz ćelije shodno fiziološkom stanju. S obzirom na to, poslednjih godina velika pažnja posvećena je ulozi akvaporina pri odgovorima biljaka na dejstvo suše i drugih abiotičkih stresogenih faktora koji utiču na narušavanje vodnog režima biljaka. Istraživanja su usmerena ka praćenju promena u ekspresiji gena za akvaporine, zastupljenosti akvaporina na membranama i uticaju na usvajanje, transport i odavanje vode u atmosferu. U ovom radu predstavljene su analize strukture i regulacije ekspresije gena za akvaporine, kao i naučna istraživanja u proteklih deset godina o promenama u ekspresiji gena za akvaporine kod biljaka izlaganih suši. Poseban akcenat stavljen je na rezultate bioinformatičkih analiza akvaporina kod hortikulturne vrste Impatiens walleriana, i njihovu ekspresiju pri suši i rehidrataciji.The increase in average annual temperatures from year to year results in pronounced dry seasons. Drought adversely affects the plants growth and development, causing large economic losses on a global scale. The effects of drought are manifested both at the plant morphological, as well at the physiological, biochemical and molecular levels. Exposure of plants to drought disrupts the normal water transport through the cells, which is reflected in the presence and function of water channels - aquaporins, on the membranes. Aquaporins are transmembrane proteins that form channels for the water, and other molecules flow through cell membranes. They play a very important role in adjusting the water flow through the cells according to the physiological state. In view of this, in recent years much attention has been paid to the role of aquaporins in plant responses to drought and other abiotic stress factors, which affect the disruption of the water regime of plants. Researches are aimed at monitoring changes in the expression of genes for aquaporins, the presence of aquaporins on membranes and the influence on the absorption, transport and release of water into the atmosphere. This paper presents analyzes of the structure and regulation of aquaporin gene expression, as well as scientific research over the past ten years on changes in aquaporin gene expression in plants exposed to drought. Special emphasis was placed on the results of bioinformatic analyzes of aquaporins in the horticultural species Impatiens walleriana, and their expression during drought and rehydration

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