Mindful Leadership and Climate Action


Organizations must get serious about reaching the goals for addressing Climate Action outlined in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)13. The problem to solve is how the leaders who created the climate issues can be the leaders to make climate action happen. The development of mindful leaders within an organization is the answer to the problem. Mindful leaders are developed not only with the Inner Development Goal (IDG) framework which is developed to align and support the 17 SDGs of the United Nations. The development of mindful leaders comes from ancient and modern practices that draw from Buddhism, secular practices, neuroscience, modern psychology, and contemporary leadership research. One great intersection between mindful leaders and climate action is that many traditions across the centuries draw on powerful practices for leaders to be in tune and in touch with personal history and nature in the present moment. Within Europe, the effects of climate change are happening at an ever-increasing rate, and extreme weather events are becoming common. The time for mindful leaders who bring teams together to create the radical innovations required is urgent for climate action to occur

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