Effectivenes of spinosad and abamectin against Rhyzopertha dominica F. IN small grains


U radu je prikazana uporedna efikasnost dva insekticida prirodnog porekla, Spinosada i Abamektina, koji nisu registrovani za uskladištenu zrnastu robu, ali su u širokoj upotrebi u organskoj proizvodnji. Efikasnost ovih insekticida ispitivana je na žitnom kukuljičaru Rhyzopertha dominica F., kao primarnoj štetočini koja može da infestira sve vrste uskladištenih strnih žita. Insekticidi Laser 240 SC i Abastate EC primenjeni su u količini 0,25, 0,5 i 1,0 g a.s. kg-1 žita (pšenica, raž, tritikale, ječam i ovas). Utvrđena je veća inicijalna efikasnost Spinosada, čijom primenom nije ustanovljen „efekat zrna“. Povećanjem doze primene i dužine ekspozicije povećava se efikasnost Abamektina i smanjuje razlika u efikasnosti između ispitivanih vrsta žita. Deset sedmica posle tretiranja Spinosadom i Abamektinom nije utvrđena pojava potomstva R. dominica. Iako imaju različite mehanizme delovanja, rezultati ukazuju na moguću upotrebu i Spinosada i Abamektina u zaštiti uskladištenog strnog žita.This paper analyzed the comparative effectiveness of two insecticides of natural origin, Spinosad and Abamectin, which are not registered for grain storage, but are widely used in organic production. The effectiveness of these insecticides was tested on the lesser grain borer Rhyzopertha dominica F. as a primary pest that can infest all types of small grains. The insecticides Laser 240 SC and Abastate EC were applied in the amount of 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 g a.s. kg-1 grain (wheat, rye, triticale, barley and oats). A greater initial efficiency of Spinosad was established, with the application of which no "grain effect" was recorded. Increasing the application dose and the length of exposure of R. dominica increases the effectiveness of Abamectin, and reduces the difference in the effectiveness to the tested types of grain. Ten weeks after exposure to Spinosad and Abamectin the research did not determine the presence of R. dominica offspring. Although they have different mechanisms of action, the results indicate the possible use of Spinosad and Abamectin in the protection of stored small grains

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