Unforeseen Consequences of Visual Literacy: Alternative Mechanisms for Creating a More Inclusive Environment


Acknowledging the commendable efforts of colleagues in articulating significant concepts and theoretical approaches to enhance visual literacy within the LIS field, this work critically examines the Visual Literacy (VL) Framework. The analysis calls for a more inclusive representation of diverse experiences, particularly those of individuals with disabilities. Drawing inspiration from the conceptualization of critique as care, the study emphasizes a collaborative approach to integrate social justice, equity, and inclusion principles better into LIS work. While recognizing the VL Framework\u27s value as a starting point, the study identifies gaps related to universal accessibility and challenges in the language used. The chapter emphasizes the need for practical guidance on implementing the VL Framework components in real-time. The chapter delves into the language used in discussing visual literacy, highlighting its potential perpetuation of exclusion. In the context of visual literacy pedagogy, the study poses reflective questions to promote inclusivity in higher education settings. Ethical considerations regarding material interactions and institutional access are also explored.https://medica-musc.researchcommons.org/faculty-books/1004/thumbnail.jp

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