Análisis de diseño arquitectónico de las condicionantes de habitabilidad de una vivienda de interés social a partir de la pandemia del COVID 19


This study starts from the basic definition of housing as an enclosed and covered space intended for essential activities, emphasizing determining factors such as basic services, utilization of natural conditions, and economic accessibility. The research focuses on a social housing unit located in the Cielito Lindo urbanization, in the Montecristi canton, belonging to the province of Manabí, Ecuador. The aim is to conduct an architectural analysis of the housing constraints in social housing, with the goal of generating recommendations for post-pandemic social housing projects based on the population's needs. The applied research approach is qualitative in nature, exploratory and descriptive of the homes located in the "Cielito Lindo" urbanization. Architectural aspects such as volumetrics, spatial organization, and the relationship with the exterior were evaluated. The findings highlight the need for improvements to ensure health and well-being, particularly in areas such as thermal comfort. The study's recommendations can contribute to optimizing habitability conditions in social housing and addressing future health crises, emphasizing the importance of adapting spaces to new post-pandemic demands. Keywords: Habitability, Comfort, Covid 19, Housing, Architecture.Este estudio parte de la definición básica de vivienda como un espacio cerrado y cubierto destinado a actividades esenciales, resaltando factores determinantes como servicios básicos, aprovechamiento de condiciones naturales y accesibilidad económica. La investigación se centra en una vivienda de interés social ubicada en la urbanización “Cielito Lindo” del cantón Montecristi, perteneciente a la provincia de Manabí, Ecuador, en donde se busca realizar un análisis arquitectónico de las condicionantes habitacionales de una vivienda de interés social, para generar recomendaciones a los proyectos de vivienda de interés social post pandemia según la necesidad de la población. El enfoque de investigación aplicada es de carácter cualitativo, del tipo exploratorio y descriptivo de las viviendas ubicadas en la urbanización "Cielito Lindo". Se evaluaron aspectos arquitectónicos como volumetría, organización espacial, relación con el exterior, entre otros. Como resultado se destaca la necesidad de mejoras para garantizar salud y bienestar, especialmente en aspectos como confort térmico. Las recomendaciones del estudio pueden contribuir a optimizar las condiciones de habitabilidad en viviendas de interés social y afrontar futuras crisis sanitarias, subrayando la importancia de adaptar espacios a nuevas demandas post-pandemia. Palabras clave: Habitabilidad, Confort, Covid19, Vivienda, Arquitectura. Abstract This study starts from the basic definition of housing as an enclosed and covered space intended for essential activities, emphasizing determining factors such as basic services, utilization of natural conditions, and economic accessibility. The research focuses on a social housing unit located in the Cielito Lindo urbanization, in the Montecristi canton, belonging to the province of Manabí, Ecuador. The aim is to conduct an architectural analysis of the housing constraints in social housing, with the goal of generating recommendations for post-pandemic social housing projects based on the population's needs. The applied research approach is qualitative in nature, exploratory and descriptive of the homes located in the "Cielito Lindo" urbanization. Architectural aspects such as volumetrics, spatial organization, and the relationship with the exterior were evaluated. The findings highlight the need for improvements to ensure health and well-being, particularly in areas such as thermal comfort. The study's recommendations can contribute to optimizing habitability conditions in social housing and addressing future health crises, emphasizing the importance of adapting spaces to new post-pandemic demands. Keywords: Habitability, Comfort, Covid 19, Housing, Architecture. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 19 de diciembre de 2023.Fecha de aceptación: 13 de febrero de 2024.Fecha de publicación: 02 de marzo de 2024

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