A systematic review of the literature was carried out from 2020 to 2024, with relevant scientific articles in various databases with indexed journals such as Scielo, Dialnet, Latindex, and Web of Science. Of the 50 previous articles consulted with open access, 30 were accepted as a sample and based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, using the PRISMA protocol, resulting in 25 for analysis. The articles that form the basis of the study have been taken up at the university level. The objective was to review the literature on the subject of andragogy, methodological strategies in learning and their application in the teaching of accounting. The results show few up-to-date andragogical studies, as well as andragogical methodological strategies for the training of accounting professionals. The contribution of this review lies in the revelation of the insufficiency of scientific articles referring to the constructs considered in this analysis and in the importance of increasing epistemologies in andragogical methodological strategies at a global level.
Keywords: Andragogy, Accounting, Methodological strategies, Systematic review.Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la bibliografía que abarcó desde el año 2020 hasta el 2024, con artículos científicos relevantes en diversas bases de datos con revistas indexadas tales como Scielo, Dialnet, Latindex, y Web of Science. De 50 artículos previos consultados con acceso abierto, se aceptaron 30 como muestra y con base en criterios de inclusión y exclusión, utilizando el protocolo PRISMA, resultando 25 para su análisis. Los artículos que conforman la base de estudio, han sido tomados a nivel universitario. El objetivo fue revisar la literatura sobre el tema de la Andragogía, estrategias metodológicas en el aprendizaje y su aplicación en la enseñanza de la contabilidad. Los resultados evidencian pocos estudios andragógicos actualizados, así como en estrategias metodológicas andragógicas para la formación de profesionales en contabilidad. El aporte de esta revisión se encuentra en el desvelo de la insuficiencia de artículos científicos referidos a los constructos considerados en este análisis y en la importancia que tiene incrementar epistemologías en estrategias metodológicas andragógicas a nivel global.
Palabras claves: Andragogía, Contabilidad, Estrategias metodológicas, Revisión sistemática.
A systematic review of the literature was carried out from 2020 to 2024, with relevant scientific articles in various databases with indexed journals such as Scielo, Dialnet, Latindex, and Web of Science. Of the 50 previous articles consulted with open access, 30 were accepted as a sample and based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, using the PRISMA protocol, resulting in 25 for analysis. The articles that form the basis of the study have been taken up at the university level. The objective was to review the literature on the subject of andragogy, methodological strategies in learning and their application in the teaching of accounting. The results show few up-to-date andragogical studies, as well as andragogical methodological strategies for the training of accounting professionals. The contribution of this review lies in the revelation of the insufficiency of scientific articles referring to the constructs considered in this analysis and in the importance of increasing epistemologies in andragogical methodological strategies at a global level.
Keywords: Andragogy, Accounting, Methodological strategies, Systematic review.
Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 18 de enero de 2024.Fecha de aceptación: 20 de marzo de 2024.Fecha de publicación: 08 de abril de 2024