Modeliranje turbulentnog dvofaznog toka aero-smeše sprašenog uglja u gorioničkim kanalima sa jednostepenim turbulatorima


The subject of this work is turbulent two-phase flow through air-coal channel(s) of complex geometry. The aim of this work is numerical optimization of fluid flow and coal particle distribution in reconstructed air-coal mixture channels. The single blade turbulator has been used to increase turbulence in the vertical section of an air-coal mixture channel. Standard k-ω turbulent model has been used for modeling turbulence. Lagrangian multiphase model has been used for discrete phase (coal particles) modeling. Although better particle distribution is reached using single blade turbulators, particle concentration in the evaluation section (where plasma generators will be built in) still remains anisotropic. Because uniform coal particle distribution is of great importance for the proper work of plasma generators, other solutions for achieving this goal will be the object of the future analysis.Predmet ovog rada je turbulentno dvofazno strujanje kroz gorioničke kanale aero-smeše sprašenog uglja kompleksne geometrije. Cilj ovog rada je numerička optimizacija strujnog toka i raspodele čestica sprašenog uglja u rekonstruisanim gorioničkim kanalima. Za povećanje turbulencije, u vertikalnom delu gorioničkog kanala aero smeše ugrađen je jednostepeni turbulator. Za modeliranje turbulencije korišćen je standardni k-ω turbulentni model. Lagranžeov pristup je korišćen za modeliranje sekundarne faze (čestica sprašenog uglja). Iako je upotrebom jednostepenih turbulatora postignuta bolja raspodela čestica sprašenog uglja, koncentracija čestica u prelaznom delu (u kome će biti ugrađeni plazma generatori) ostaje neravnomerna. Kako je ravnomerna raspodela čestica sprašenog uglja od esencijalnog značaja za pravilan rad plazma generatora, druga rešenja za postizanje ravnomerne raspodele čestica će biti predmet buduće analize

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