Measurements of the Differential Charged-Current Drell-Yan Cross-Section and Muon Charge Asymmetry at High Transverse Masses with the ATLAS Detector


This thesis presents the measurements of the W → μν charged-current Drell-Yan process, utilising the experimental data recorded by the ATLAS experiment during the Run−2 period of pp collisions at the LHC at 13 TeV, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 139 fb−1. The measurements are performed differentially in the transverse mass of the W boson, mTW, focusing on the high mass tail ranging from 200 GeV to 2000 GeV. In this region, the statistical uncertainty dominates, with the systematic uncertainty originating from the muon sagitta bias correction being a significant contributor. Specifically, for W+ bosons, the muon sagitta bias correction reaches up to around 8%, while for W− bosons, it reaches up to around 15%, with a maximum of around 33% for the muon charge asymmetry. Notably, in the highest mTW bin, the statistical uncertainty exceeds the systematic uncertainty, reaching up to around 40% for the muon charge asymmetry. When compared to the theoretical predictions of POWHEG-BOX and PYTHIA8 at the born level of the signal, the results show a good agreement between the theory and measurements

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