The resistance of the European monetary union to symmetry shocks and the possibility of establishing an optimal currency area


Prije sedamdeset godina nastala je Europska unija s ciljem ekonomskog i političkog ujedinjenja europskih zemalja, a odlukom Europskog vijeća potkraj 80-ih začeta je ideja europske monetarne unije koja će poslije rezultirati stvaranjem eurovalute i europodručja zbog ojačanja monetarne politike. Ovaj rad bavit će se nastankom i analizom europske monetarne unije, razvitkom europodručja te trećom fazom nastanka europske monetarne unije – uvođenjem i održivošću eura kao europske valutne jedinice. Rad se sastoji od šest osnovnih cjelina pri čemu će se u prvom dijelu rada definirati pojmovi europske monetarne unije te analizirati organizacija monetarnih politika. Drugi dio bavi se pojmovima eurozone, stvaranjem europodručja, značajem Europske središnje banke te njezinim utjecajem na održivu stabilnost eurozone i valute. Treći dio rada temeljit će se na empirijskoj analizi. Četvrti dio analizirat će percepciju ispitanika o provođenju monetarne politike, utjecaju uvođenja jedinstvene valute te koliko će to utjecati na životni standard. U petom djelu dat je kratki pregled sličnih provedenih istraživanja na području RH, dok se posljednja cjelina odnosi na donošenje zaključak rada.Seventy years ago, the European Union was created with the aim of economic and political unification of European countries, and by the decision of the European Council at the end of the 80s, the idea of a European monetary union was conceived, which would later result in the creation of the euro currency and the euro area, which was aimed at strengthening monetary policy. This paper will deal with the creation and analysis of the European monetary union, the development of the euro area and the third phase of the creation of the European monetary union—the introduction and sustainability of the euro as a European currency unit. The paper consists of six basic units, where the first part of the paper will define the concepts of the European monetary union and analyze the organization of monetary policy. The second part deals with the concepts of the Eurozone, the creation of the Eurozone, the importance of the European Central Bank and its influence on the sustainable stability of the Eurozone and the currency. The third part of the paper will be based on empirical analysis. The fourth part will analyze the examinees perception of the implementation of monetary policy, the impact of the introduction of a single value and how much it will affect the standard of living. In the fifth part, a brief overview of similar research conducted in the territory of the Republic of Croatia is given, while the last part refers to the conclusion of the work

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