Thermoelectric properties of Cu-doped sodium cobaltite ceramics


Layered cobalt oxide materials have lately been the subject of considerable fundamental and practical interest as potential candidates for thermoelectric application. The polycrystalline samples of NaCo2–xCuxO4 (x = 0, 0.01, 0.03, 0.05) were obtained by mechanochemically assisted solid-state reaction method (MASSR) and the citric acid complex method (CAC). Ceramic samples were prepared by pressing into disc-shaped pellets and subsequently sintered at 880 °C for 20 h in inert argon atmosphere. The electrical resistivity (ρ), the thermal conductivity (κ) and the Seebeck coefficient (S) were measured and observed in two temperature regions: low (from 0 to 300 K) and high (from 300 K to 800 K), and the effect of small concentrations of the dopant on the thermoelectric properties was observed. The values of κ were lower in higher temperature region, and almost independent of Cu concentration. S was positive above 25 K, and higher for Cu-doped samples, reaching the highest values for both syntheses for samples with x = 0.03(145 μV/K at 873 K for CAC sample). The highest figure of merit (ZT) at room temperature (0.022) was obtained for x = 0.01 while at high temperature region ZT were 0.050 and 0.034 for CAC and MASSR samples, respectively. ZT values for all samples were higher than in undoped samples, confirming that even small concentration of Cu significantly influences the thermoelectric properties of NaCo2O4. It was found that the samples synthesized by CAC method possess better thermoelectric properties, confirming the fact that this type of synthesis enables obtaining fine, homogeneous precursor powders with fine microstructures and small grains which presents prerequisite for obtaining material with good thermoelectric performances

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