[Treatment of cardiogenic shock due to right ventricular involvement]


<p><strong>Abstract </strong></p><p>The right ventricle is susceptible to changes in preload, afterload, and contractility. The answer is its dilation with dysfunction/acute failure; filling is limited to the left ventricle and cardiac output. Systemic venous congestion is retrograde to the right heart, it is involved in the genesis of cardiogenic shock due to right ventricle involvement.This form of shock is less well known than that which occurs due to left ventricular failure, therefore, treatment may differ. Once the primary treatment has been carried out, since no response is obtained, supportive treatment aimed at ventricular pathophysiology will be the next option. It is suggested to evaluate the preload for the reasoned indication of liquids, diuretics or even ultrafiltration. Restore or maintain heart rate and sinus rhythm, treat symptomatic bradycardia, arrhythmias that make patients unstable, use of temporary pacing or cardioversion procedures. Improving contractility and vasomotility, using vasopressors and inotropes, alone or in combination, the objective will be to improve right coronary perfusion pressure. Balance the effect of drugs and maneuvers on preload and/or afterload, such as mechanical ventilation, atrial septostomy and pulmonary vasodilators. And the increasing utility of mechanical support of the circulation that has become a useful tool to preserve/restore right heart function.</p><p>El ventrículo derecho es susceptible a cambios en la precarga, poscarga y la contractilidad y la respuesta fisiopatológica es la dilatación con disfunción/falla aguda lo que limita el llenado del ventrículo izquierdo y el gasto cardiaco. La congestión venosa sistémica, está implicada en la génesis del choque cardiogénico con compromiso del ventrículo derecho. Esta forma de choque es menos conocida que la que sucede por falla ventricular izquierda, por ende, el tratamiento puede diferir. La primera línea de tratamiento son las medidas de soporte y en caso de no funcionar, el tratamiento dirigido a la fisiopatología ventricular será la siguiente opción. Se sugiere evaluar la precarga para la indicación razonada de líquidos, diuréticos o la ultrafiltración. Restaurar o mantener la frecuencia cardiaca y el ritmo sinusal, tratar la bradicardia sintomática, las arritmias que inestabilizan a los pacientes, el uso de marcapaso temporal o procedimientos de cardioversión. Mejorar la contractilidad y vasomotilidad a través del uso de vasopresores e inotrópicos, solos o combinados, el objetivo será mejorar la presión de perfusión coronaria derecha. Balancear el efecto de fármacos y maniobras en la precarga y/o poscarga, como la ventilación mecánica, septostomía atrial y vasodilatadores pulmonares. Y la creciente utilidad del soporte mecánico de la circulación que se ha convertido en una herramienta útil para preservar/restaurar la función cardiaca derecha.</p><p>The right ventricle is susceptible to changes in preload, afterload, and contractility. The answer is its dilation with dysfunction/acute failure; filling is limited to the left ventricle and cardiac output. Systemic venous congestion is retrograde to the right heart, it is involved in the genesis of cardiogenic shock due to right ventricle involvement.This form of shock is less well known than that which occurs due to left ventricular failure, therefore, treatment may differ. Once the primary treatment has been carried out, since no response is obtained, supportive treatment aimed at ventricular pathophysiology will be the next option. It is suggested to evaluate the preload for the reasoned indication of liquids, diuretics or even ultrafiltration. Restore or maintain heart rate and sinus rhythm, treat symptomatic bradycardia, arrhythmias that make patients unstable, use of temporary pacing or cardioversion procedures. Improving contractility and vasomotility, using vasopressors and inotropes, alone or in combination, the objective will be to improve right coronary perfusion pressure. Balance the effect of drugs and maneuvers on preload and/or afterload, such as mechanical ventilation, atrial septostomy and pulmonary vasodilators. And the increasing utility of mechanical support of the circulation that has become a useful tool to preserve/restore right heart function.</p&gt

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    Last time updated on 12/05/2024