Antillipeltis maculata Lawrence, Leschen & Ślipiński, 2014, sp. n.


<i>Antillipeltis maculata</i> sp. n. <p>(Figs 1 B, 3E)</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> This species resembles <i>A. pubescens</i> and differs from others in the genus in having distinctly maculate yellow and black elytra. It differs from <i>A. pubescens</i> in having a maculate pronotal disc, shorter elytral hairs and a longer pronotum about a third as long as the elytra.</p> <p> <b>Description.</b> Length 4.0– 4.4 mm; body length 1.90–2.09 times as long as greatest elytral width. Head, mouthparts and antennae primarily yellow, but dorsal surface of head with large black macula extending from about middle of eyes to posterior edge, mandibular apices, palps and antennal club sometimes darker; pronotum primarily yellow with large, dark brown triangular macula at middle with one angle facing posteriorly; scutellar shield dark brown; elytra yellow with large dark brown anteromesal macula extending across suture and surrounding scutellar shield, with curved dark brown macula at posterior third of each elytron, sometimes forming complete eyelet, and with longitudinal sublateral brown macula sometimes joining the two; undersurfaces yellow to dark brown; legs primarily yellow, but tarsi and pretarsi sometimes dark brown. Pronotal vestiture of very short fine setae, most of which barely extend beyond edges of punctures, vestiture of elytra, ventral surfaces and legs consisting of longer decumbent to suberect setae. Head punctation moderately fine and dense. Pronotum 0.63–0.64 times as long as wide; sides moderately curved and narrowly explanate, and edges of lateral carinae crenulate; anterior angles not produced forward; posterior angles broadly rounded. Pronotal punctation coarser and denser, but irregular; interspaces finely granulate and shiny. Elytra 1.41–1.57 times as long as wide and 2.90–3.00 times as long as pronotum, widest at about middle; sides weakly rounded and explanate; punctation coarse and dense, interspaces more or less smooth and shiny. Aedeagus 0.5 times as long as ventrites 1–5; tegmen including fused parameres 4.5 times as long as wide; parameres 0.75 times as long as body of tegmen including paired dorsal struts; ventral strut 0.72 times as long as body of tegmen; penis 1.15 times as long as tegmen including parameres and 9.6 times as long as wide.</p> <p> <b>Type specimens.</b> Holotype, male: Dominican Republic: Foothills of Cordillera Central, S. of Santiago, vi.1938, P. J. Darlington, Jr (MCZC). Paratype: male, Dominican Republic: Prov. Barahona, near Filipinas, Larimar Mine,, at night, R. E. Woodruff & P. E. Skelley, at night (AACB).</p>Published as part of <i>Lawrence, John F., Leschen, Richard A. B. & Ślipiński, Adam, 2014, Antillipeltis, a new genus of Antillean Trogossitidae (Coleoptera: Cleroidea) with a key to the Cleroidea, pp. 435-454 in Zootaxa 3794 (3)</i> on pages 439-443, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3794.3.6, <a href=""></a&gt

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