Mapping The Victims of Digital Crime


Mapping the victims of digital crimes can be a challenging task, as digital crimes can affect individuals from all walks of life, regardless of their demographic background or geographic locations. Overall, mapping the victims of digital crimes can be useful for understanding the pattern and risk factors associated with digital victimization and for developing targeted prevention and intervention strategies. Digital crime/Cybercrime is the most prevalent form of crime with the lowest enforcement rate. India has been ranked 4th on the list of global cybercrimes by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in its recent report, while US, UK and Canada backing the 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions. Indian Government has established a central cyber security agency named ‘Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In)’ which works in coordination with similar other agencies across other countries in the world. This agency monitors all kinds of cyber threats. Also, Cyber Police Stations have been set up all over to deal with this menace across India. This paper aims to provide a thorough insight regarding digital crimes and mapping its victims in the present world. Even though Indian government has enacted various laws for making such crimes punishable but are these laws self-sufficient or something more is required??, as digital crimes are the most prevalent form of crimes with the lowest enforcement rates. To address this, the Union Government needs to confront various challenges that are distinctive to digital crimes. Measures taken by Indian government along with preventive steps that can be taken at individual level by the victims are also discussed

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