On Structure and Secondary Linkages in Polymers Based on Glycidyl Azide Polymer and Diisocyanate


Polymers based on glycidyl azide polymer (GAP) and isocyanate present molecular structures dependent on NCO/OH molar ratio and diisocyanate reactivity. In this study, GAP polymers are obtained from a reaction with aromatic (toluene diisocyanate, TDI) or aliphatic (isophoranediisocyanate, IPDI) diisocyanates, varying the NCO/OH molar ratio from equimolar to 2.5. The increment in NCO/OH molar ratio increases the gel fraction in GAP/TDI polymers up to 90 wt%, along with a progressive growth in their glass transition temperature (Tg), which rises 10 °C from NCO/OH equimolar to 2.5. In opposition, in the GAP/IPDI polymers, the maximum gel fraction is 20 wt%, and the Tg value practically does not change in NCO excess. Infrared spectroscopy shows the predominant presence of urethane groups in polymers containing up to 2.0 NCO/OH molar ratio; however, at 2.5, urethane and allophanate characteristic bands are present in both polymers. That reactivity is controlled by chemical kinetics since the activation barrier of the reaction between the GAP and TDI is 10 kcal.mol‑1 lower than in the corresponding reaction with the IPDI. This difference results from the sum of the higher hyperconjugative interactions, approximately 65%, and the lower steric hindrance, about 35%, in the activated complex containing the TDI

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