Effect of Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching in p-Type GaN Schottky Contacts


The effects of inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etching damage on the electrical characteristics of low-Mg-doped p-GaN Schottky contacts were evaluated. The ICP etching greatly reduced the memory effect in the current-voltage characteristics and the difference between the depletion layer capacitances before and after forward current injection. These reductions indicate that acceptor-type interfacial defects were passivated by H atoms during ICP etching. Additionally, photoresponse (PR) measurements revealed that Schottky barrier height was increased from 2.08 to 2.63 eV by the etching. Because of the surface state change, the Fermi level position would be moved toward the conduction band edge slightly by the etching. After annealing, the memory effect and the capacitance change were partially restored, and the PR spectra showed less variation. Absorbed H atoms on the p-GaN surface might be released by annealing.本著作物の著作権は公益社団法人応用物理学会に帰属します。/公益社団法人応用物理学会 2013/ 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physic

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