Enseñanza de discursos míticos para el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora de los estudiantes universitarios


The general objective of the research was to determine the influence of the teaching of mythical speeches in the reading comprehension of the students of the fourth year of the School of Literature of the Faculty of Humanities of the Federico Villarreal National University, 2021. Being the sample of 28 students that was determined by the non-probabilistic sampling method. The method used was the hypothetical-deductive, the pre-experimental design; the information was collected in a specific period, the survey technique and the data collection instrument were developed, it was a questionnaire that was used to collect information from the students. For the reliability of the instrument, the Richardson Kuder statistic was used, it came out for the reading comprehension variable was 1.04, a perfect reliability. For the descriptive analysis, frequency distribution tables and bar graphs were made. And for the verification of the hypothesis, it was carried out by the Wilcoxon signed rank test. The research concluded that it found that the teaching of mythical speeches significantly influences the reading comprehension of fourth-year students of the School of Literature of the Faculty of Humanities of the Federico Villarreal National University, 2021. Being pvalue=0.002<0, 05. This confirmed the hypothesis and the general objective of the study.        The objective of this research is to propose the teaching of mythical discourse as a strategy to develop reading comprehension in university students, considering that the culture reflected in myths contributes to cultural identity. 10 myths are presented. The work is pertinent given the need to develop the categories of reading competence in university students, who are dependent readers in basic informative, documentary and numerical texts and deficient in literary, humanistic and scientific texts

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