Parastethynium hirsutum Huber sp. n. (Figs 16–18) Type material. Holotype female (BMNH), dissected under 4 coverslips on slide (Fig. 18) labelled: 1. “INDONE- SIA, Sulawesi Utara, Dumoga-Bone Nat. Park, Toraut V. 1985, J.H. Martin”. 2. Parastethynium hirsutum Huber female Holotype ”. Paratypes. Two females, one on card (BMNH), one on slide (CNC), with same data as holotype. Diagnosis. Very similar to P. maxwelli, differing slightly in its slightly shorter body length, different appendage proportions, and other features as given in the key and diagnosis of P. m a x w e l l i. Description. FEMALE. Colour and structure as for P. maxwelli. Measurements, from of the holotype are as follows. Body length. Ca. 677. Ovipositor length 331, 1.37X hind tibial length. Head. Width 244. Antenna. With two multiporous plate sensilla on fl 3, fl 5, and each claval segment. Measurements: scape (length/ width) 77 / 25, pedicel 58 / 26, fl 1 38 / 16, fl 2 38 / 15, fl 3 45 / 17, fl 4 33 / 15, fl 5 47 / 15, fl 6 31 / 15, entire clava 103 / 24. Mesosoma. Midlobe of mesoscutum with setae close to posterior margins of sclerite. Scutellum with placoid sensilla almost touching each other and anterior margin of scutellum (Fig. 17). Wings. Fore wing length 670, width 255, length/width 2.62, longest marginal setae 28, about 0.10X fore wing width (Fig. 16). Hind wing length 616, width 83, longest marginal setae 57, about 0.69X as long as greatest wing width; width at hamuli about 0.41 greatest width (Fig. 16). MALE. Unknown. Derivation of species name. Latin for hairy (hirsute), referring to the more densely setose fore and hind wing than in P. maxwelli.Published as part of Huber, John T., Gitau, Catherine W., Gurr, Geoff M., Dewhurst, Charles F. & Fletcher, Murray J., 2011, Re-description and biology of Parastethynium maxwelli (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), an egg parasitoid of Zophiuma lobulata (Hemiptera: Lophopidae), and description of a new species of Parastethynium from Indonesia, pp. 49-62 in Zootaxa 2733 on pages 51-52, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.20122