Manufacture of Light Weight Ceramic Bodies as Thermal Insulator From Local Material


The research work covers a study of the feasibility of producing lightweight ceramic thermal insulation bodies used for lining the furnaces by adding saw dust and AlF3 to the Dewechla clay (Kaolinite).AlF3 is a chemical waste materials in the Akashat–factories in Rutba to the Dewechla clay (kaolinite). Finely distributed Saw dust and ALF3 were added to clay with different weight percentages (0, 15, 25, 35 & 40) Wt%. Cylindrical shape samples (30mm diameter and 30 mm height) were prepared by using the semi–dry method, moulding pressure was (500Kg/cm²). After drying at (110C◦), the samples were burnt at (900, 950, 1000, 1050&1100) C◦. The fired samples were investigated to obtain their properties, bulk density, porosity ,compressive strength and thermal conductivity. It was possible to produce ligh-weight ceramic thermal insulators with bulk density between (700 and 1300) Kg/m³ compressive strength not less than (25) Kg/cm² and thermal conductivity between (0.2 and 0.4) Kcal/m.h.c

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