Vibrational spectroscopic investigations of lead borate and lead aluminoborate glasses


Lead borate (PB) and lead aluminoborate (PBA) glasses in the Systems xPbO · ( 1 0 0 - x)Β₂O₃ (0 ≤ x ≤ 75 mol%) and xPbO · (95 - x)Β₂O₃, 5AI₂O₃ (0 ≤ x ≤ 80 mol%), respectively, have been prepared and investigated by Raman and infrared reflectance spectroscopy to obtain quahtative and quantitative information on the structure of glasses. Using the Martin-Brenig model, structural correlation lengths were determinated from boson peak positions of temperature-reduced Raman spectra and transversal sound velocities. Kramers-Kronig analysis was used to transform the measured infrared reflectance spectra into complex dielectric funcdons. The imaginary part of the complex dielectric funcdon contains the absorption properties of t he material. Α band separadon Computer programme has been used to get more detailed information from the spectra. Far infrared and low-frequency Raman spectra contain information about vibrations of the PbO component within the network

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