Prediction of atrial fibrillation from at-home single-lead ECG signals without arrhythmias.


Early identification of atrial fibrillation (AF) can reduce the risk of stroke, heart failure, and other serious cardiovascular outcomes. However, paroxysmal AF may not be detected even after a two-week continuous monitoring period. We developed a model to quantify the risk of near-term AF in a two-week period, based on AF-free ECG intervals of up to 24 h from 459,889 patch-based ambulatory single-lead ECG (modified lead II) recordings of up to 14 days. A deep learning model was used to integrate ECG morphology data with demographic and heart rhythm features toward AF prediction. Observing a 1-day AF-free ECG recording, the model with deep learning features produced the most accurate prediction of near-term AF with an area under the curve AUC = 0.80 (95% confidence interval, CI = 0.79-0.81), significantly improving discrimination compared to demographic metrics alone (AUC 0.67; CI = 0.66-0.68). Our model was able to predict incident AF over a two-week time frame with high discrimination, based on AF-free single-lead ECG recordings of various lengths. Application of the model may enable a digital strategy for improving diagnostic capture of AF by risk stratifying individuals with AF-negative ambulatory monitoring for prolonged or recurrent monitoring, potentially leading to more rapid initiation of treatment

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