Developing guidelines for the human-wildlife interactions in conservation translocations


Workshop: Conservation translocation is a widely used management intervention to restore locally extinct or augment severely depleted species. Human dimension issues that influence the achievement of these aims are encountered at five different stages of the project life cycle: 1) Planning, 2) Initiation, 3) Implementation, 4) Ending, and 5) Post-exit stage. Overlooking such dimension may jeopardise the success of the project. Understanding and addressing human-wildlife interaction issues improve community involvement, peers’ acceptance and the support from various interest groups. In this workshop we propose to discuss participants’ experiences in human dimensions related to each of the 5 stages of a project’s life cycle.  Discussions aims to expand on findings from the IUCN/SSC CTSG HWIWG 2022 Guidelines to Facilitate Human-Wildlife Interactions in Conservation Translocations, to identify best practice and key issues for each stage to inform planning and promote wildlife conservation, collaboration amongst groups and coexistence

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