The Effect of Textured Insole on Symmetry of Turning


The goal of the study was to investigate the effect of a textured insole (that induced discomfort on one side of the body) on symmetry of turning in healthy individuals. The outcome of the study showed that the textured insole caused asymmetry in healthy individuals performing the task immediately after they started using a textured insole and after a short time of using it. Such a change in the movement pattern of healthy subjects resembles movement pattern seen in individuals with unilateral impairment such as stroke. In particular, when experiencing unilateral discomfort, healthy subjects utilized asymmetrical trunk movements. The results of the study suggest that if the discomfort is induced on the unaffected side of individuals with unilateral impairment, it can help such individuals to regain the ability to perform turning task more symmetrically. This suggestion should be tested in future study of the role of discomfort-inducing devices in improving symmetry of turning in individuals with unilateral impairment

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