From Painting to Perception/Experience/Meaning


The present installation in the University of Colorado Museum Gallery continues the exploration of materials/process found in my early work while reflecting recent concerns with conceptual and perceptual problems. The show involves materials/procedures, concepts/application/evaluation, and perception/experience/&rdquo;meaning.&rdquo; The emphasis is on the value of each viewer&rsquo;s direct experience of actual space-time phenomena, the potential of perception to alter consciousness in both art and life, and the expansion of individual awareness and response. I have approached art as an on-going process of exploration. Emphasis is placed on the art activity; art acts and individual response becomes more important than permanent art objects. Adopting a truth to material/truth to process attitude with my panels, I've presented the unique properties of unaltered physical substances as purely factual information. The panels are insistently self-referential, rather than symbolic or illusionistic, and reject subjective evaluation in terms of traditional aesthetic priorities. This thesis statement has discussed only the &ldquo;means&rdquo; of my installation; &ldquo;means&rdquo; should not be confused with &ldquo;meaning.&rdquo; The &ldquo;art-of-it-all&rdquo; is not to be found in the materials, processes, or physical aspects of the gallery space. Ultimately, the art/meaning rests with each individual's experience of the work and that individual&rsquo;s subjective response, heightened awareness and perception of self. &nbsp;</p

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