NEPC Review: A New Agenda: Research to Build a Better Teacher Preparation Program


Bellwether Education Partners&rsquo; report, A New Agenda, calls for a &ldquo;rational&rdquo; and &ldquo;rigorous&rdquo; research agenda for teacher education. Although the report&rsquo;s rationale is not fully explicated, it asserts that programs are &ldquo;blindly swinging from one popular reform to the next&rdquo; and that decades of input- and outcome-based research has failed to improve teacher education. Instead, the report calls for &ldquo;rapid cycle evaluations.&rdquo; Regrettably, this depiction of past research includes mischaracterizations and also omits a wide swath of relevant literature about teacher education. Further, the report does not adequately explain what &ldquo;rapid cycle evaluations&rdquo; would entail or how they would work to improve teacher preparation program design, nor does the report offer a research foundation for this approach. The report also fails to recognize the socio-political context of teacher education, wherein programs are often left scrambling to meet competing accountability expectations. A New Agenda leaves practical questions unanswered, muddies the waters about promising research avenues, and ignores important bodies of literature in teacher education. Ultimately it represents a missed opportunity to offer guidance to either policymakers or institutions.</p

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