Repetition of the Regular and Irregular


My thesis exhibition is composed of 3 paintings and 4 drawings. In the paintings I use the human form as I use a plant, an oriental rug, a fish. I use a form for its shape and its relationship to other shapes, and for the essential spirit it possesses- for its &ldquo;magic.&rdquo; A &ldquo;likeness&rdquo; in a portrait is only important to me insofar as it probes the soul. I focus heavily on silence and stillness: that moment when activity has momentarily halted (no in a metamorphic state but in a complete state); where weight and timing of the elements present are working together, whether the character of their union be symmetrical or asymmetrical, or both. Scale, color and visual proximity are intimately woven together to create both form and content in my work, whether the work is in 2 or 3 dimensions.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p

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