Dirty Divinity


To step into that Other Place&ndash;even for just a breath, a blink, a shiver. This is the wistful desire that incited the artwork in the exhibition titled Dirty Divinity. This collection aims to grasp at ancient divinity with metaphorically bloodied fingers. It claims sacredness while confronting the connotations of what that actually means when no longer attached to religious practices&ndash;is it sacred if it is also unsettling? Perhaps that is what makes something feel sacred. This writing will explore and uncover this idea deeper. With this work, I am considering what it means to build an internal mythos, or more aptly, an internal world. I have spent the past year evolving a collection of symbolic imagery that references folklore and religion, yet still stays rooted in my own lived experiences. This exhibition is meant to feel like remnants from the Other Place and to consider if that place is simply inside of us. Much like the imagery within Dirty Divinity, the theory behind the artwork is interwoven and self-referential. My aspiration is that through repetition, certain ideas will rise to the surface when considering the collection as a whole.</p

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