Art Show


My Master of Fine Arts Thesis Show, Art Show, is a combination of the conscious aspirations I have for my artwork and a partially intuitive approach to imagery. I believe that the possibilities for power and complexity in the visual arts are beyond the realm of comprehension of a twenty six year old -if not any- artist. Attemping to create an airtight theoretical basis for one's work seems to result in work that could be defended 'til death but simultaneously lacks the capacity to generate an interest in any argument. While the use of systems and reason play a very crucial role in the development and construction of my art work, I also try to tap into my subconscious by working with images as they pop into my head. I try to understand and rationalize these things after they are completed. This experience then combines with the past and possibly influences the work that follows. I like to think of the way that my mind works as an expanding architecture of reason attached to a supply blob of subconscious slop. The architecture shapes and influences what finally emerges as artwork, but it does not have complete control over the end product.&nbsp; In the most general sense, I aspire to make artworks that have the potential to enrich and enlighten a viewer. By this, I do not mean to imply some sort of moralistic illumination. What I do mean can be clarified with a little story. Let's assume that the viewer is walking along a narrow path in a long line of people. The path is narrow and no one can pass anybody else and our viewer is forced to look at the person in front without relief. Being forced to stare at this rear view, the viewer begins to make make judgements, projections and assumptions about the person in front. What I hope that my artwork would be able to do is knock the viewer sideways off the path, momentarily presenting a different view, thereby broadening their basis for understanding of the object in the viewer's gaze. &nbsp;</p

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