Experimental Study of Growth Parameters of Phycomyces blakesleeanus During Phototropic and Avoidance Responses


Phycomyces blakesleeanus depicts helical growth during steady state as well as under the influence of stimuli in the form of light, barrier, wind, etc. Previously, researchers have studied helical growth of Phycomyces under steady state growth and light response, however no attempts have been made to study the elongation rate, rotation rate and bend rate during phototropic and avoidance responses. The research conducted here involves experimentally determining growth parameters that occur as a response to applied stimuli. The elongation rate as well as rotation rate seem to have increased after the application of stimulus. This increase in elongation and rotation rates is hypothesized to be the influx of a biomolecule to the region of the growth zone that is subjected to the stimulus resulting in breakage of load bearing bonds on the cell wall. Through this research one can better explain cell wall expansion models and account for expansion as a result of stimuli.</p

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