Plan for Economic Evaluation of Products from the Remote Sensing Information Subsystem (RSIS)


The objective of this proposed analysis is to compare the cost and accuracy of map production using existing methods with map production using the Remote Sensing Information Subsystem (RSIS). Both methods require surface visits in order to control the validity of interpretations. Existing methods imply the use of aerial photography at appropriate scales with conventional photo interpretation techniques. Map units are delineated directly on the photograph, on an overlay, or a map base and, through the process of scribing and other cartographic techniques, a final map product is produced. Use of the RSIS implies the use of Landsat or airborne multispectral scanner data in a digital processing system which will operate in an interactive manner with the interpreter, supplemented by aerial photography. A keyboard cathode ray tube (KCRT) will be the primary means for data display and for the interpreter to direct further data analysis. During the TNRIS/NASA Joint Project, hard-copy output from digital data is dependent upon the use of a Matrix Color Camera to produce Polaroid prints and film transparencies. The RSIS will accept hard-copy input (maps and aerial photographs) for use with overlay production but will not digitize photography.Bureau of Economic Geolog

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