„Pesma o razaranju Jerusalima“ Vandalina Strzaleckog. Omaž Mauriciju Gotlibu i Poljskoj ​


"The destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple has remained a constant cultural, religious, and theoretical preoccupation of Jews and non-Jews. Deeply enshrined in historical memory, the destruction has occasioned a wide range of interpretations, associations, and metaphoric analogies. As such, it has, of course, also captured the imagination and interpretation of a wide range of artists - from Rembrandt and Nicolas Poussin in the seventeenth century, to Eduard Bendemann (1811-1889), the German artist of Jewish origin and Wilhelm von Kaulbach in the nineteenth. While often utilizing the destruction as a metaphor for other historical events or cultural phenomena, artists have chosen to depict either the acts of violence and havoc during the tragic event itself or create a more contemplative atmosphere that focuses on the feelings of loss, mourning, and displacement that came in its wake..."„Uništenje Jerusalima i njegovog hrama ostalo je stalna kulturna, verska i teorijska preokupacija Jevreja i neJevreja. Duboko urezano u istorijsko pamćenje, razaranje je izazvalo širok spektar tumačenja, asocijacija i metaforičkih analogija. Kao takvo, ono je, naravno, zaokupilo maštu i interpretaciju širokog spektra umetnika - od Rembranta i Nikole Pusena u sedamnaestom veku, do Eduarda Bendemana (1811-1889), nemačkog umetnika jevrejskog porekla i Vilhelma fon Kaulbaha u 19. veku. Iako često koriste destrukciju kao metaforu za druge istorijske događaje ili kulturne fenomene, umetnici su izabrali da prikažu ili akte nasilja i pustošenja tokom samog tragičnog događaja ili da stvore kontemplativniju atmosferu koja se fokusira na osećaj gubitka, tugovanje i raseljavanje koje je došlo za njim..."This article was supported by The Israel Science Foundation (ISF), grant no. 161/11. An earlier version of the article was presented at the international conference “Traditions and Perspectives in History of Jewish Art”, held at Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, September 10-12, 2012

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