Requerimientos del paradigma de la atención primaria a la salud en los albores del siglo XXI


Mexico is going througb a transition process in many areas, sucn as demography, epidemiology, culture and edueation, eeonomy and politics. In this rapidly changing seene, the national commitment to provide quality health services for every Mexican remains constant. Primary health eare is considered the most effective strategy to achieve this goal, whicb is identical to that of the World Health Organization: "Health for all by the year 2000". Primary health care overeomes a traditional diehotomy in health services by integrating first level attention with public health activities, sueh as health edueation, home and work place sanitation, vaeeination and eommunity partieipation. In order to ea"y out the primary health care strategy, the National Health System must face major challenges whieh are analyzed in this paper as wel/ as the various possible ways to overeome them. Finally, innovative Mexican programs are described. The authors concIude that all necessary elements needed to make the "Health for All" goal a reaIity are available

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