Conformal ceramic electrodes that record glutamate release and corresponding neural activity in primate prefrontal cortex


Conformal ceramic electrodes utilized in prior recordings of nonhuman primate prefrontal cortical layer 2/3 and layer 5 neurons were used in this study to record tonic glutamate concentration and transient release in layer 2/3 PFC. Tonic glutamate concentration increased in the Match (decision) phase of a visual delayed-match-to-sample (DMS) task, while increased transient glutamate release occurred in the Sample (encoding) phase of the task. Further, spatial vs. object-oriented DMS trials evoked differential changes in glutamate concentration. Thus the same conformal recording electrodes were capable of electrophysiological and electrochemical recording, and revealed similar evidence of neural processing in layers 2/3 and layer 5 during cognitive processing in a behavioral task

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