Artificial intelligence in diagnostic: How does the use of artificial intelligence affect the trust of kidney cancer patients in relation to the diagnostic process?


Dette projekt dykker ned i spørgsmålet om patienters tillid til kunstig intelligens-drevet nyrekræftdiagnostik i sundhedsvæsenet. Vi vil fokusere på, hvordan kunstig intelligens påvirker patienter i forhold til faktorer som følelser og tillid. Gennem et ekspertinterview med Henning Christiansen og interviews med vores målgruppe sigter vi mod at udfolde grundlaget for patienttillid. Denne rapport er inspireret af forskning udført af Pedersen (et al. 2020), "Efficient and Precise Classification of CT Scans of Renal Tumors Using Convolutional Neural Networks" (2020). Udover denne tekst har vi brugt andre relevante teorier og tekster om kunstig intelligens, tillid og samfund. Vi har udviklet et interaktivt webbaseret supportværktøj til læger og patienter som vores designløsning. Denne designløsning præsenterer et simuleret diagnostisk værktøj til nyrekræft baseret på CT-scanningsbilleder. Denne rapport konkluderer, at for patienter at stole på kunstig intelligens, er det afgørende at bygge et stærkt fundament, der vil hjælpe patienter med at blive mere komfortable med hensyn til dette problem. Det er vigtigt at gøre opmærksom på, at dette kun vil blive brugt i en sammenhæng, hvor læger arbejder sammen med kunstig intelligens i diagnosticering af nyrekræft.This project delves into the issue of patient trust in artificial intelligence-driven kidney cancer diagnostics in healthcare. We will focus on how artificial intelligence impacts patients in relation to factors such as emotions and trust. Through an expert interview with Henning Christiansen and interviews with our target group, we aim to unfold the base of patient trust. This report was inspired by the research of Pedersen (et al. 2020), “Efficient and Precise Classification of CT Scans of Renal Tumors Using Convolutional Neural Networks” (2020). Besides this text we have used other relevant theories and texts about artificial intelligence, trust and society. We have developed an interactive web-based support tool for doctors and patients as our design solution. This design solution presents a simulated diagnostic tool for kidney cancer based on CT scan images. This report concludes that for patients to trust artificial intelligence, it is crucial to build a strong foundation that will help patients become more comfortable in regard to this issue. It is important to address that this will only be used in a context where doctors work together with artificial intelligence in diagnosis of kidney cancer

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