Some applications of neural networks as forecasting tools at the national and international levels


El estudio de las redes neuronales artificiales' parte del esíudio del sistema nervioso central como lo muestra Galván (1791) al reconocer la naturaleza eléctrica de las señales nerviosas. Luego Ramón y Cajal dio un paso importante usando la técnica del teñido celular de impregnación argéntica de Golgi, por el cual descubrió que el sistema neuronal era un ensamble de células bien definidas llamadas neuronas, que se comunicaban a través de las sinapsis. Tanto Golgi como Ramón y Cajal obtuvieron el premio Nobel por su trabajo.The study of artificial neural networks starts from the study of the central nervous system as shown by Galván (1791) by recognizing the electrical nature of nerve signals. Ramón y Cajal then took an important step using the Golgi silver impregnation cell staining technique, by which he discovered that the neuronal system was an assembly of well-defined cells called neurons, which communicated through synapses. Both Golgi and Ramón y Cajal were awarded the Nobel Prize for their work

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