And who was to blame?


Nacimos no hace más de cuarenta años y siempre hemos afirmado que gracias a que la incertidumbre siempre estará en los mercados podremos existir perpetuamente, pero lo más interesante es el crecimiento tan vertiginoso; cada vez aparece nuevos instrumentos; no acabamos de conocer algo cuando ya se ha modificado o mejorado; ese es el maravilloso mundo de la Ingeniería Financiera, término que empezó asonar con mayor fuerza a inicios de la década delos 90 y que se afianzó al finalizar el síglo pasado, concepto claro y respetado ante los ojos de todo el mundo y que ya hacía parte del diario transcurrir, término que no era ya extraño en los diarios y noticieros pues se convirtió en parte de este mundo; ya no era noticia sino sencillamente una realidad.We were born no more than forty years ago and we have always affirmed that thanks to the fact that uncertainty will always be in the markets we will be able to exist perpetually, but the most interesting thing is the rapid growth; every time new instruments appear; we do not just know something when it has already been modified or improved; that is the wonderful world of Financial Engineering, a term that began to resonate with greater force at the beginning of the 90s and that was consolidated at the end of the last century, a clear and respected concept in the eyes of the whole world and that was already part of the daily passing, a term that was no longer strange in the newspapers and newscasts because it became part of this world; It was no longer news but simply a reality

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