Students’ Uptake of Written Feedback in an Egyptian University Language Program


Feedback is by no means a straightforward path; rather, the feedback on the writing process involves several factors on the part of both educators and students at a university level. It is important to note that feedback can be given in different ways to each student, while uptake may vary across educational institutions. This study explored students’ perceptions on engagement strategies, uptake, and emotional responses to the feedback phenomenon. Past studies on feedback and uptake prompted the investigation of this area. The study includes tentative answers to the wealth of questions that have contributed to the field of feedback. This research relied on student work, questionnaires, and interviews in order to gain insight into learners’ uptake, teachers’ engagement strategies, and students’ emotional responses towards written feedback (WF). The study aims to suggest practical ways to facilitate student engagement by revealing their emotional reactions and improving feedback delivery. The study was conducted at a leading English-language instruction institution located in Cairo, Egypt. The researcher sent a questionnaire to 69 participants, collected 30 writing samples with WF, and interviewed 8 participants. The findings in this study were consistent with the results of similar studies, where educators implement several feedback strategies, resulting in a high level of student engagement and uptake of feedback. The present exploration sheds light on the relationship between students and their teacher’s feedback in one of the prestigious universities in Cairo. Keywords: writing tasks, written feedback, emotional responses, student perceptions, student engagement, feedback practices, feedback strategies, student uptak

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