Tactile Modulation of the Sensory and Cortical Responses Elicited by Focal Cooling in Humans and Mice


Distinct sensory receptors transduce thermal and mechanical energies, but we have unified, coherent thermotactile experiences of the objects we touch. These experiences must emerge from the interaction of thermal and tactile signals within the nervous system. How do thermal and mechanical signals modify each other as they interact along the pathway from skin to conscious experience? In this thesis, we study how mechanical touch modulates cooling responses by combining psychophysics in humans and neural recordings in rodents. For this, we developed a novel stimulator to deliver focal, temperature-controlled cooling without touch. First, we used this method to study in humans the sensitivity to focal cooling with and without touch. We found that touch reduces the sensitivity to near-threshold cooling, which is perhaps analogous to the well-established ‘gating’ of pain by touch. Second, we studied the perceived intensity of cooling with and without touch. We found that tactile input enhances the perceived intensity of cooling. Third, we measured the responses of the mouse primary somatosensory cortex to cooling and mechanical stimuli using imaging and electrophysiological methods. We found multisensory stimuli elicited non-linear cortical responses at both the population and cellular level. Altogether, in this thesis, we show perceptual and cortical responses to non-tactile cooling for the first time. Based on our observations, we propose a new model to explain the interactions between cooling and mechanical signals in the nervous system. This thesis advances our understanding of how touch modulates cold sensations during thermotactile stimulation

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