Exploring interprofessional communication and collaboration among pharmacists, nurses, and laboratories enhancing patient safety and healthcare outcomes


Background: The efficiency of healthcare delivery is closely connected to the quality of interprofessional communication and cooperation among healthcare workers. The purpose of this research is to examine the diverse effects of interprofessional cooperation including pharmacists, nurses, and laboratory experts on patient safety and healthcare outcomes. Aim: This extensive study aims to consolidate current literature, empirical data, and theoretical models to provide a clear comprehension of the importance of efficient interprofessional communication and cooperation in healthcare environments. The objective of the evaluation is to assess the influence of cohesive teamwork, communication, and cooperation among healthcare professionals on several aspects of healthcare, including patient safety, medication management, care coordination, diagnostic accuracy, and overall healthcare quality. Method: A methodical search technique was used to locate relevant studies in electronic databases, such as PubMed, MEDLINE, and Cochrane Library. The inclusion criteria include research that provide insights into the influence of interprofessional cooperation on patient safety, healthcare outcomes, and the involvement of pharmacists, nurses, and laboratory experts in improving healthcare delivery. Results: The analysis emphasizes the crucial significance of pharmacists, nurses, and laboratory experts in improving patient safety and healthcare results by means of efficient interprofessional communication and cooperation.

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