Evaluating the Osteogenic Potential of Raspberry Ketone and Simvastatin Dual-Loaded Electrospun Chitosan Membranes on Preosteoblasts


This study evaluated the osteogenic potential of dual-loading raspberry ketone (RK) and simvastatin (SMV) onto electrospun chitosan membranes (ESCMs) to impart bioactivity onto guided bone regeneration (GBR) membranes and give them a more active role in osteodifferentiation. In this study, W-20-17 cells in media exposed to 12-100µg/ml RK in combination with 75-150ng/ml SMV resulted in increased basal alkaline phosphatase (ALP) expression, whereas RK groups alone had no effect on ALP expression. Additionally, there was a dose-dependent combinatory cytotoxic effect in which SMV in combination with increasing concentrations of RK resulted in decreased viability and vice versa. RK+SMV combinations were loaded onto hexanoic anhydride modified ESCMs and evaluated for cytotoxicity and osteogenic potential. The RK dose used had minimal effect on viability, whereas the higher SMV dose had significant cytotoxic effects even with daily media change. The RK+SMV ESCMs did not have a positive effect on osteodifferentiation, and combinations with higher SMV loading inhibited osteodifferentiation ALP and calcium expression below basal level. It is speculated that RK has minimal effect on preosteoblast differentiation, and that it may have positive effects on less differentiated cell types. Additionally, it is possible the SMV elution kinetics when combined with RK resulted in exposure to higher SMV concentrations. With some modification of RK+SMV combination concentrations and better understanding of the specific mechanistic effects of RK, RK+SMV dual loaded ESCMs may have potential to be used in GBR applications

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