Parallelization of shallow water simulations on current multi-threaded systems


Lobeiras, J., Viñas, M., Amor, M., Fraguela, B.B., Arenaz, M., García, J., Castro, M. Parallelization of shallow water simulations on current multi-threaded systems. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 27, 493–512. © 2013 The Author(s), © SAGE Publications.[Abstract]: In this work, several parallel implementations of a numerical model of pollutant transport on a shallow water system are presented. These parallel implementations are developed in two phases. First, the sequential code is rewritten to exploit the stream programming model. And second, the streamed code is targeted for current multi-threaded systems, in particular, multi-core CPUs and modern GPUs. The performance is evaluated on a multi-core CPU using OpenMP, and on a GPU using the streaming-oriented programming language Brook+, as well as the standard language for heterogeneous systems, OpenCL.Funding This work was supported by the Galician Government (Consolidation of Competitive Research Groups, Xunta de Galicia ref. 2010/6, projects INCITE08PXIB105161PR and 08TIC001206PR), the Ministry of Science and Innovation, cofunded by the FEDER funds of the European Union (grant number TIN2010-16735, and project numbers MTM2009-11923 and MTM2010-21135).Xunta de Galicia; INCITE08PXIB105161PRXunta de Galicia; 08TIC001206P

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