BASIL (Ocimum sanctum L.) aromatic medicinal plant: a review


Ocimum sanctum (Basil; Tulssi) is important traditional herb and used for therapeutic purposeall over the world. It has been used in traditional medicine from 3000 years, because of itsmiraculous healing properties. In India it is consider as the holiest herb. It is considered asassign of goddness in Hinduism. Each part of this plant is worshipped in India. It is used innumerous ailments such as insomnia, malaria, skin and digestive disorders, diarrhoea and alsoused in cough, cold and flu. Studies revealed its antifungal, antiviral, analgesic,bronchodilators, anti-asthmatic and anti-oxidant activites. Volatile oil, eugenol, urosolic acid,linalool, carvacrol, limatrol, sesquiterpene, methyl eugenol, estragole and caryophyllene arephytoconstituents present in Ocimum sanctum

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