Optimisation of the search for CP-symmetry violation at the deep underground neutrino experiment


The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next-generation long baseline experiment, which will be situated in South Dakota. Its detectors will utilise liquidargon time projection chamber technology, which is able to capture neutrino interactions with an incredible spatial and calorimetric resolution. With what will become the world’s most intense neutrino beam, a highly capable near detector, and four (10kt fiducial mass) far detector modules, DUNE will be able to achieve an ambitious physics programme. Most notably, DUNE will determine whether charge-parity symmetry is broken in neutrino oscillations - a finding that would have significant implications for the understanding of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in our Universe. This thesis presents the optimisation of a CP-violation analysis at DUNE using the Pandora pattern-recognition software. The analysis assumes a 3.5 year exposure (1.36 × 1023 protons on target) to a neutrino and an antineutrino beam (7 year total). Only the predicted data of the far detector modules is used; near detector samples are not included. The initial sensitivity to CP-violation is found to be 3.8σ+0.9σ −1.1σ in an estimate that includes oscillation parameter uncertainties, systematic uncertainties and statistical fluctuations, and assumes a normal-ordering of the neutrino mass hierarchy. The performance of the Pandora event reconstruction is linked to that of the analysis, which is found to be limited by the reconstruction of the initial track-like region of electrons and photons. The Shower Refinement algorithm is developed in response to this and its implementation into the analysis workflow results in an improved sensitivity to CP-violation of 4.6σ+0.9σ −1.0σ . With a perfected neutrino interaction vertex placement, this is further increased to 5.1σ+1.0σ −1.1σ

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